Tampere area

Tampere area


Fitness services in Tampere region

The employees working in Nokia premises (not externals) are allowed to use Nokia gyms.
The rights to use them is tied to access rights.

Also other Fitness services (workout classes, courses etc) are intended for Nokia employees only
(not externals).
External temporary labor are entitled to use Nokia gym facilities – this does not include instructed workout or fitness services courses.

Nokia offers its employees (not externals) guided fitness services at its facilities for free.
In the Tampere region these fitness services are provided by Fressi Yrityspalvelut, company specialized in producing fitness services for companies.

www2.fressi.fi/yrityspalvelut (in finnish)


We welcome feedback about our services and suggestions regarding the Fitness Channel. If you have problems with the service, do not hesitate to contact us.
Send us feedback with the following feedback form.
We are looking forward to working out with you

Contact persons
Fressi Yrityspalvelut
Riikka Vikman
(Group exercise classes)
+358 (0) 50 436 8182
Rebekka Vuohelainen
(Other services)
+358 (0) 44 276 0076

Nokia OHS
Raimo Ojala
+358 (0) 3 2563 9334