Oulu gym facilities

Oulu gym facilities


Nokia’s fitness facilities

Nokia Oyj offers it’s employees (not externals) fitness facilities and fitness services at its facilities for free.

Access rights to Nokia’s fitness facilities
You can visit your workplace’s fitness facilities with your access card. If you intend to visit some other location you should confirm your access rights at the reception of the building in question. Nokia employees working elsewhere than in Rusko may get a seasonal access right from the lobby of this building. (not externals)

Notice! External temporary labor are entitled to use Nokia gym facilities – this does not include instructed workout or fitness services courses.

Nokia´s gyms in the Oulu region


There is a spacious and well-equipt gym in Rusko. There is also a group exercise room. Gym is open every day 05:00-22:00

For the benefit of all of us, please be aware of the following rules, thank you!
– Register your visit on the list kept in the gym
– Keep your ID badge with you during visits to the gym
– You are expected to use appropriate athletic clothing and indoor shoes.
– Leave your outdoor shoes in the dressing room
– After use return all equipment to its proper place
– Help to keep the facility nice and clean
– Be considerate to others by using a personal sweat cloth
– Let´s keep the equipment in good order

Kaapelitie 4

Lost & Found
Ask from the reception of the location in question.

Take your team to the gym!
Nokia’s teams have a possibility to reserve the group exercise room for private use during workdays between 9 am to 3 pm. For reservations contact: paula.kylmanen@nokia.com. Please make your reservation at least one week before the need.

Corporate Personnel Group Accident Insurance

The insurance covers accidents at events organized by Nokia, as well as accidents in Nokia’s own gyms and sports classes organized by Nokia.


1. When the accident occurs, seek medical treatment immediately. Please visit private clinic, not in occupational health center. If you visit Nokia’s occupational health center, please remember to pay the expense by yourself and after that claim cost from AIG insurance company.
2. Pay caused expenses first yourself (remember to show your KELA card).
3. Attach all original receipts, doctor´s statements, eyewitness statements, possible police reports etc. to the AIG Europe´s claim report.

Nokia Solutions and Networks Oy insurance number is 102-3167.

AIG Claim form and instructions in Finnish More infomation Customer service mail: asiakaspalvelu@aig.com phone number: +358 (0) 203 03456


Gym program for beginners
Gym program for the advanced
Gym program divided in two
Mobility exercise
Gym program with free weights
Bodyweight Training course material

Gyms externally
Nokia has made contracts with the other fitness centers. Check the places and discounts HERE.