Espoo personal training

Espoo personal training


Nokia Fitness Training
(this service is not supported by Nokia, prices below)

Personal Training

Personal Training
The service is not supported by Nokia, prices below

Individually tailored fitness training program.
Your will get a fitness plan that is based on your fitness level, goals and personal preferences.

The training sessions content is planned according to individual fitness plan.
The meetings may include Nordic walking, gym, stretching, etc.


Meetings Price
50 times
3850€ (77,00€/ meeting)
30 times 2400€ (80,00€/ meeting)
20 times 1650€ (82,50€/ meeting)
10 times 850€ (85,00€/ meeting)
5 times 470€ (94,00€/ meeting)
1 time 105 €
inc. tax 24%


Payment methods:

  • an invoice
  • Smartum liikunta- ja kulttuuriseteli / Smartum vouchers,
  • Smartum liikuntasaldo / Smartum debit card,
  • e-pass


All meetings are held in Nokia’s facilities if not otherwise agreed. In case of the meetings are held elsewhere, the client is responsible for any additional costs; for example entrance fees to a health club, swimming pool, etc.

Personal Trainers
All our instructors are sertified Personal Trainers with comprehensive experience on the field. Do not hesitate to contact us. Let us know your fitness goals and well help you to find a trainer meeting your requirements.

Terms of service
The client accepts the terms of this contract with his/her signature. There are two identical copies of this contract; one for the client and one for the instructor.
After the first meeting the rest of the meetings need to be used within given time frame depending on the purchased package. After that the contract is terminated.

All cancellations need to be done by 4 pm on the previous working day by phone or text message. Rescheduling a meeting is not possible after late cancellation or not showing up to an agreed meeting. Unused meetings are not compensated.

More information about personal training:
Rebekka Vuohelainen
+358 (0) 44 276 0076